File A Report

We are currently piloting a data collection phase. The Bias Response Team will not follow up on individual reports, whether they are identifiable or anonymous. This does not mean that your report goes unnoticed, but rather is documented to enable us to better design a process that meets the needs of students and to support the development of interventions that might lead to a more inclusive and supportive climate. Learn more about the Data Collection Pilot, and what we will do with the information you provide. The program is currently being piloted with the UCSF Graduate Division. While we welcome reports submitted on behalf of all UCSF students, the BRT Administrators cannot guarantee their ability to provide consultation or services to non Graduate Division students or others (e.g., faculty, staff, administrators, and other non-UCSF parties). 

While this form can be completed anonymously, BRT Administrators will have the best ability to provide support if the form is submitted with as much information as possible. The BRT is committed to respecting the privacy of information and data that may be provided in this form. Should the details indicate a concern surrounding UCSF Policy or mandatory reporting appropriate UCSF departments will be consulted. Read more about our policies

This Reporting Form is NOT an Emergency Service.